
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Welcome 2010.

Macam dah lama pulak tak update belog. Kebetulan last week balik Segamat, lepas tu laptop ni pulak diserang simptom sampai kena repair Windows balik. Kecik hati betul. Huhuhu. Minggu ni ingat nak share resipi baru, tapi sibuk sangat sampai tak sempatla nak update. But no worries, I'll do it later. 

Semua orang sibuk bercakap tentang ketibaan tahun baru. Mana nak celebrate, nak lepak mana, aku macam takde hati nak cerita pasal semua tu. Maklumlah, aku pun kat tempat baru sekarang kan? So, everything is new here for me. Nak celebrate dengan kawan-kawan, semua tercampak jauh kat atas peta. Kemaman la, JB la, Muar la, haih. Macam touching plak. Hahahaha.. (Padahal New Year ni dah decide nak balik Muar,) 

Memandangkan lagi 2 hari akan datang menjelang tahun baru, aku nak flashback sket ape yang dah berlaku overall tahun ni :-

Januari - April = Siapkan final projek untuk Diploma. Masa sangat pack masa ni sebab terkejar-kejar. Mujur dapat siapkan dalam masa yang ditetapkan. Alhamdulillah. Waktu ni pun dah mula mengintai peluang untuk menjalani praktikal. 

Mei - Ogos = Diterima praktikal kat KPDNKK Muar, belajar banyak benda baru, cuba adapt dengan persekitaran baru, kenal ramai orang, kenal H, mula merancang hidup sendiri (tp lain yang plan, lain plak yang jadi) Many unexpected things happens within this month and I was so down at those times. But thanks to someone special who is always stand by me. He gave me the strength to move on, and his 200% support so that I won't easily fall again. 

Sept - Oktober = Dah habis praktikal, pindah rumah baru, bf baru, start siapkan report praktikal dan dalam masa yang sama mula mencari peluang pekerjaan.

November - Disember = New chapter in my life. 100% change the whole plan. From IT to cookery? Drastik sungguh. Daripada Johor ke Negeri Sembilan. Tapi takpe, grab the opportunities. Cari pengalaman baru, dan ilmu. 

So many thing happens eh? Tahun baru ni, tak tahu apa pula yang menanti. Tapi yang pasti, kehadiran tahun baru ni bakal disambut dengan penuh rasa syukur. Semoga perjalanan hidup kita diberkati dan diredhai-Nya. 

p/s : ni ada gambar kek nak share dgn korang. Kek Chocolate Mousse. Silelah meliur.. :P

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Spageti Bolognese & Mini Pizza.

Hai hai hai.. Arini I nak share resipi lagi dengan korang semua. (Ecehh, macam best je bunyi dia) Nak tau tak arini ada resepi apa? Tengok kat atas tu apa yang I tuliss.. Talks no more, lets go with the recipe.. 


Sos Spageti.

1. 250 gm daging cincang 
2. 100 ml susu segar
3. 1 biji bawang Bombay (dicincang)
4. 1 ulas bawang putih (dicincang)
5. 1 tin tomato puri
6. 4-5 biji tomato (dihiris)
7. Lobak merah (dipotong dadu)
8. Seleri (dipotong dadu)
9. 1 tin cendawan butang (dihiris)
10. 500 ml stok ayam
11. Oregano & Italian herbs
12. Butter
13. Keju Mozzarella / Parmesan / Cheesedale
14. Garam

Cara untuk menyediakan sos spageti. 

1. Panaskan butter, dan tumiskan bawang putih, bawang besar, lobak, seleri sehingga garing. 
2. Masukkan daging cincang dan tomato puri. Kacau sehingga sebati.
3. Masukkan susu segar.
4. Masukkan oregano dan Italian herbs, masak sehingga naik bau.
5. Masukkan stok ayam, kacau dan masukkan keju mengikut kehendak anda.
6. Akhir sekali, masukkan cendawan butang, tomato yang telah dihiris dan garam secukup rasa. 

Dah siap! oh, jangan lupa rebus spageti anda. Hehehehe..


Bahan-bahan untuk doh pizza.

1. 1 tbsp serbuk yis @ 25 gm yis basah.
2. 1 1/2 cawan air suam.
3. 500 gm tepung.
4. 1 tbsp olive oil / corn oil
5. Secubit garam.

Cara-cara mengadun doh pizza.

1. Masukkan yis, tepung, olive oil / corn oil.
2. Masukkan air suam secara berperingkat dan uli sehingga adunan menjadi elastik.
3. Uli doh sehingga ia menjadi elastik dan tidak lagi melekat pada tangan. 
4. Lumurkan olive oil / corn oil ke atas doh dan biarkan selama sejam.

Sos untuk Pizza.

1. 1 tin puri tomato
2. 1 biji bawang besar (dicincang)
3. 1 helai bayleaf
4. Sedikit seasoning (garam / pepper)
5. Oregano

Cara memasak sos Pizza.

Tumiskan bawang besar sehingga naik bau. Masukkan tomato puri dan air. Kacau sehingga sebati. Kemudian masukkan bayleaf, oregano dan seasoning. Masakkan di atas api yang sederhana. Setelah mendidih, tutup api. Dah siap sos untuk pizza. 

Cara-cara untuk menghias pizza.

Ok, buat topping untuk pizza merupakan satu menda yang paling best sekali sebab actually kita boleh letak MACAM-MACAM kat atas dia. Including sausage, pineapple, onion, tomato, chilli, meat, chicken, fruits, whatever. Mudah je. Mula-mula, potong doh yang kita dah rest kan tadi dan roll dengan menggunakan rolling pin sehingga rata. Jadikanlah bulatan ke, tiga segi ke apa ke terpulang. Then, spread the sauce on the top of the dough. Pastu, susunlah topping yang anda suka. Atas sekali, taburkan mozzarella cheese yang dah siap diparut dan parmesan cheese. Untuk pengetahuan semua, mozzarella cheese ni yang akan memberikan effect tarik pada pizza anda. Lepas dah siapkan topping, bakar dalam oven. Lepas tu siap!

Okey, ini adalah gambar pizza yang kami buat sebelum dibakar dalam oven. Yang dah siap bakar? Tak sempat snap sebab semua dah selamat kena makan. Hahahaha..

Sunday, December 13, 2009

H.A.P.P.Y. D.A.Y.S.

This week might be the best week that I ever had. Why? because last Tuesday, someone very special came and visit me here. Even though there's so little time we had to spend together, I'm happy enough. Dengan keadaan dia yang super busy beberapa minggu ni, aku tak sangka yang dia akhirnya dapat datang walaupun ada beberapa masalah2 kecil yang tak dapat dielakkan. Thanks my dear, u know how much I appreciate it. 

Last Thursday, Kinkin plak datang sini. Wow. Double Tap. Dah lama tak jumpa, rasa macam bercakap pon tak habis-habis. Hahahaha.. Lepak KL dengan Rere sekali tengok Zombieland. Aku tak boleh belah betul tengok movie tu. It was a funny movie actually, but it was also scary. (For me la kan) Asyik terperanjat je. Aku dah tak tau nak pegang sape. Si Kinkin tu pon terjerit-jerit kat sebelah aku, mau aku lagi tekejut-makjut kalau aku pegang dia. Rere je asik gelak-gelak. Kitorang mostly memang terjerit je sebab terperanjat. Huh, surrender aku tengok cerita camnih. *sigh*

Hari Sabtu plak, gi wedding Johari & Nia kat Damansara Damai. Kat sana, I sempatla berjumpa dengan beberapa kawan dari dunia maya yang selama ni jumpa kat Kapasitor dan kat belog je. Hehehe.. Ada Ucu, Syud, Im, Eme, and a few more yang tak sempat nak beramah mesra. Untuk Jo dan Nia, Selamat Pengantin Baru. Semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat. Untuk teman-teman di Kapasitor, semoga kita dapat berjumpa lagi di lain hari. Eceh. Hehehehe..

Monday, November 30, 2009

Weekend Yang Happy.

Last weekend, was my friend's wedding. Kebetulan jatuh ke cuti Hari Raya Haji dan aku pulang ke Segamat, so plan nak pergila kan. Memula macam tak dapat pergi sebab takde sape nak bawak. Puas pujuk abah supaya bagi aku drive. Segamat - Muar kan dekat je. Bukan jauh mana pon. Die punya risau tu sampai kalau boleh nak suruh aku bawak 30 km/h. Faham-faham jelah jalan Muar - Tangkak tu macamana kan. Di samping pergi wedding member aku, melencongla ape lagi. H kerja aritu, so aku singgahla ke office kejap jumpa dia. It was supposed to be a surprise but I TERbagitau pulak yang nak datang ke wedding member. Disebabkan waktu yang amat mencemburui kami, dapat lepak kejap je dengan H, pastu rushing ke wedding member, dan rushing balik ke Segamat sebab adik aku nak jumpa member dia tiba-tiba. Kacau plan betul la. 

Wedding kawan aku ni kat Jalan Salleh. Masa datang orang tengah ramai, dan diorang baru pas potong kek. Actually, the groom was my cousin's friend. Then aku kenal secara tak langsung sebab dia selalu lepak umah arwah nenek aku. Wife dia pon aku kenal sebab dia adalah kawan kepada kawan aku. What a small world huh? Silelah lihat gambar yang tak seberapa ni eh. Hehehe.. Untuk Wan & Ella, semoga korang bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat..

I like purple!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mari Membuat Kek!

Hari ni kitorang buat kek. Hahahaha.. Kelakar sungguh. (Buat kek pon nak up kat belog ke?) Maklumla ini 1ST TIME AKU BUAT KEK. Sebelum ni memang tak pernah buat pon. Adik aku buat Chocolate Moist pon aku pandang sebelah mata je. Sebab memang tak berapa minat kek, dan tak suka sangat pon kat kek. Tak percaya ke I tak suke kek? Hehehe.. Kalau tak percaya sila tanya kawan2 terdekat saya. They'll surely know this fact. Oke, mari kita tengok resipi di bawah. (Kalau rasa macam dah tau buat kek, jangan cakap ape2 oke, gi main jauh-jauh sane) :)) 


1.  250 gm butter 
2.  250 gm gula 
3.  250 gm tepung (kek) 
4.  4 biji telur 
5.  50 ml susu penuh krim (Dutch Lady Full Cream Milk) 
6.  1/4 tsp garam 
7.  1 tbsp serbuk penaik 
8.  1 tsp essence vanila 
9.  120 gm serbuk koko


1. Masukkan butter, gula dan garam. Mix sampai kembang dan sebati.
2. Masukkan satu persatu telur dan pukul rata.
3. Masukkan pula essence vanila ke dalam adunan,
diikuti dengan tepung penaik, dan susu penuh krim. 
4. Akhir sekali, masukkan tepung dan serbuk koko dan kacau sehingga rata.
5. Sapu mentega ke dalam seluruh loyang yang akan digunakan untuk membakar kek. 
6. Tuang adunan ke dalam loyang, dan masukkan ke dalam oven. Biarkan ia masak selama 50 minit.

Nak tengok tak hasil kek yang I buat?

Nampak sedap tak?

Yang ni cantik sikit rupa dia.. Hehehehe..

Yang ni kek group lain.. Kek Rainbow nama dia..

Yang ni plak kek Oren.

Sepatutnya ada gambar kek Marble, tapi tadi lupe nak snap. Hahahaha... Bebudak ni sume excited nak potong kek, tak sempat nak snap. Heppp! Jangan gelak oke tengok kek-kek kami. Maklumla, 1st timer kan.. I sendiri pon tak pernah buat kek sebelum ni. Janganla tanya kenapa rupa kek ni camnih.. hehehehe... 


Monday, November 23, 2009



I'm having an interview tomorrow..
It's all of a sudden actually and I'm not well prepared yet..

Oh my God!
I have to make everything done by tonight or
I'm gonna be freaking nervous tomorrow!

Oh, I'll be going to the Avillion Port Dickson for the interview.
I'm not quite sure where is the place
but I have to do some research.
Just to get to know the place, promotion and its background.
And also to get myself alert.
So peeps, wish me luck ya!

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Place.

It was really hard for me to fit it in the 1st weekend. It's not because of the people here. But because of the environment, I guess. It's quite different from what I had experienced before. So, it tooks me about 2 weeks to fit in. Hahaha.. Lama betul amik masa nak sesuaikan diri ek?

So, sekarang my new housemate and I were living at Seremban 2, near the Jusco here. Pergi kelas pon dekat. Just took us RM2.50 per day by Cityliner bus. This first two weeks, only introduction about hospitality and so on. Boring. Hahahaha.. Kalau tak silap, kitorang semua akan mula masuk dapur 23hb ni. Can't wait to start. Hehehe..

Okey, tukar topik. Bila kita berada di tempat baru ni, macam-macamla kita akan jumpa kan? New faces, new attitudes, everythings are new. Tapi, korang percaya tak kalau aku cakap dalam tahun 2009 ni, masih ada orang yang tak mahir menggunakan komputer dan Internet? 




Macam tak percaya kan? But that's the truth. I was shocked either. Those girls cum my new housemate rupanya tak berapa biasa dengan Internet dan komputer. Kesian tengok diorang bila kami kena siapkan CV dan emailkan pada kolej via emel. Since they were around 18 years old, I have to understand that they might not been exposed into IT world. To make it even worse, they were not good in English. Rasa macam kesian sangat kat diorang. I was helping them to use the Internet, the emails and so on.

Aku tertanya-tanya macamanalah nanti diorang nak survived dalam dunia yang serba menggunakan komputer ni. Yelah, kalau diorang takde kesedaran tentang betapa pentingnya penggunaan Internet dan komputer sekarang, macamana nak hadapi dunia pekerjaan? *Macamlah aku dah kerja kan?* Sekarang ni, nak hantar resume pon thru emel je. Tak payah nak berpos segala bagai. Jimat masa dan duit. Apa pendapat korang agaknya ek?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

In A Few Hours

I'll be leaving Johor.
I'll be leaving my hometown.
I'll be leaving my parent.
I'll be leaving my friends.
I'll be leaving my heart.
I'll be leaving everything.






Okay, enough said! Tonight, my family and I will get going after Maghrib straight to Seremban to my cousin place. We'll spending one night there. Plus she's having a newborn baby, my mother insist to go and pay her a visit. My aunt, (which is my cousin's mother) also staying at Seremban at the moment to take care of my cousin. Can't wait to see her baby. Hehehe..




The registration start on 9 am on the next day. Right now I'm preparing things to bring on and I was nervous too. Can't help thinking about new environment there. I wish I could fit in. Oh, not to mention I won't bring my laptop for the 1st week. My father told me to keep it here first. So, I won't be able to be contacted via Friendster, or Blogger, or YM. Do not worry, I won't left my phones either. Hehehehe.. Just my LAPTOP okay. Wish me luck there! I'll try to update ASAP. So, see you later peeps!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Sedikit ...

Baru balik dpd Kajang. Teman H pergi kursus. [Hakikatnya aku duduk diam2 je sepanjang hari. Malam baru keluar.] Tak kisahla tu. Masa dipenuhi dengan menonton tv, sesi bercakap sorang-sorang bersama tilam dan bantal, dan sesi berangan sepenuh masa sebab dah rasa nak muntah menghadap tv daripada pagi sampai petang.

Disebabkan H pon agak penat berkursus, kitorang pon xdelah jalan jauh sangat. Setakat pusing2 mall kat area yang berdekatan je. Pukul 11 dah balik, sebab dia dah mengantuk. Aku ni kemainla payah nak tidur. Ape je yang aku tak try untuk melelapkan mata? Kira kambing hitam, kambing putih, ayam, lembu semua ada. Tak jugak lelap2. Siap salah kira tapi mata tetap tak mahu pejam. Huh! Stress sungguh bila tak boleh tido ni. Ingat siang hari tu nak meronda sorang2 tapi tak jadi. Tau apa H pesan kat aku sebelum dia keluar gi kursus? "Yang, u nak jalan sepah2 nanti tengok2 dulu tau. Jangan jalan kalau public tak ramai. Yelah, kalau u tak cantik pon orang kalau nak culik boleh je. Diorang bukan kisah cantik ke tak cantik," Sedang cakap I tak cantik ke?? Fine. Fine. I duduk jelah diam2. Cakap jela tak bagi I jalan sorang2. Huh!

Pagi tadi baru siap packing barang untuk pindah. Takdelah 100% siap kan, 90% je. Tinggal barang remeh-temeh je ni. Lepas ni aku akan ke Seremban untuk amik kursus jangka pendek selama 6 bulan. Tinggallah kasih, tinggallah sayang, I pergi tak lama okeh! :D So, sape-sape yang nak ajak I melepak, jemput2la datang Seremban. Hehehehe..

Macam risau plak nak pergi tempat baru ni. Maklumla, jauh dengan parent, jauh dengan H, jauh dengan kawan-kawan, ish, jauh dengan sumelah senang cite. Padahal kata mak aku, "Ape yang jauhnye? Padahal Seremban lagi dekat dengan Segamat berbanding Kota Tinggi, (sebab adik aku kat Kota Tinggi amik Nursing) ke sebab jauh nak balik Muar?" Dem! Mak aku ni pandai je men tembak2. Yelah, tapi Kota Tinggi tu bunyi Johor lagi kan? Seremban kan dah bunyi Negeri Sembilan. Huhuhu.. Takpe Maul, bear with it. 6 bulan je kan? Tak lama. Sesekali bolehla balik jumpa yang tersayang family. :D

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Aku Kan Terus Pergi.

Jika aku pergi,
Jangan ditangisi pemergian ku dengan airmata kesedihan,
Aku tak ingin pergi membawa hati yang penuh duka,
Meninggalkan daerah ini,
Sahabat-sahabat ini,
Teman teristimewa ini, 
Aku tak ingin pergi meninggalkan luka,
Yang berbekas di hati,
Mahupun yang ternampak di jiwa.

Aku harapkan kalian mengerti,
Bukan aku terus menghilang membawa diri,
Cuma ingin mencari secebis ilmu di kota nanti,
Untuk bekalan satu hari yang tak pasti. 

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Bored, and this is the result.. Hehehe.. Thanks to Syud.

1. What time did you get up this morning?
6:45 am, pastu tdo balik..lalalalala..

2. How do you like your steak?
With black pepper please..

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The Ugly Truth; with Kinkin, and ter'fall' kat Gerard Butler.. :P

4. What is your favorite TV show?
Supernatural, CSI:Miami, House, bla..bla..bla..

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Japan, I'd love to see cherry blossom.. :)

6. What did you have for breakfast?
I'm fasting today, so no breakfast.. :P

7. What is your favorite cuisine?
I love soup, so it's chicken soup, mihun soup, tomyam, hehehehe...

8. What foods do you dislike?
Bean sprout!! Tak kisahla goreng, or rebus, or celur, or whatever.. Huhuhu..

9. Favorite Place to Eat!
It doesn't matter where as long as the food is great..

10. Favorite dressing?
Long sleeve shirt and jeans, but now I love wearing dress, a cute dress.. Hehehe.. 

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
I don't drive, but I ride.. Live to ride, yeahh!!! Oh, I own a Wave.. :P 

12. What are your favorite clothes?
Rite now? Hmm, my grey cardigan and brown dress..

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
Hoh, apekah? 

15. Where would you want to retire?
Hmm, haven't decided yet.. :P 

16. Favorite time of day?
Night.. I love to see stars and feels the breeze..

17. Where were you born?
Segamat, Johor 

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
Hockey, EPL (sometimes), 

19. Who do you think will not tag you back?
Who knows? 

20. Person you expect to tag you back first?
Kinkinn!!!! :)) 

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?
I wonder who.. 

22. Bird watcher?

23. Are you a morning person or a night person
Could be both.. :P 

24. Do you have any pets?

25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
I'm planning to go visiting my old buddy.. Yeahh~!! 

26. What did you want to be when you were little?
A reporter.. :P 

27. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Get on a flight.. :))

28. Are you a cat or dog person?

29. Are you married?
At the moment, nope.. But looking forward into it.. :P 

30. Always wear your seat belt?

31. Been in a car accident?

32. Any pet peeves?

33. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
Rarely eat pizza.  

34. Favorite Flower?
I'm not sure..

35. Favorite ice cream?
Rarely eat ice cream..

36. Favorite fast food restaurant?

37. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
Once.. :P

38. From whom did you get your last email?
My abang angkat..  

39. Which stores would you choose to max out your credit card?
Don't have any credit card..

40. Do anything spontaneous lately?
 Nope. Just not yet.. 

41. Like your job?
Saya menanam anggur sekarang.. Silelah datang dan menikmati anggur tanaman saya ini.. :))  

42. Broccoli?
No no no..

43. What was your favorite vacation?
Forgotten.. Huhuhu..  

44. Last person you went out to dinner with?

45. What are you listening to right now?
Evanescence - My Immortal. 

46. What is your favorite color?
Purple, black, white, brown, 

47. How many tattoos do you have?
Don't have and will never have.. 

48. How many are you tagging for this quiz?
Whoever reading this, u are tagged!! Oh, specially to Kinkin, Rere, CZ, Anom, :)) 

49. What time did you finish this quiz?
12:42 am.

50. Coffee Drinker?
Not really..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What would you do if your own blood doesn't trust you anymore? Would you rebel against them? Would you act exactly as they want you to act? Would you let things goes wrong, living your day as usual and hold the pain inside you ALONE? Or would you like to runaway? But you know yourself that running won't solve the problem. 

Friend, if somehow you are reading this, I'm trying my best to be by your side and be your shoulder for you to cry. Maybe I couldn't do nothing other than listening, but you know that I'll support you in whatever decision you make. If you feels like talking, or crying or even shouting expressing your feelings, you know exactly where would I be..

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya!!

Selamat Hari Raya semua! Hehehe, ye aku tau dah agak lambat untuk wish tapi aku nak wish jugak.. Sekarang dah masuk raya yang ke tujuh dan aku masih lagi di Segamat. Tak sabar nak balik Muar esok.. Hehehe..

Raya pertama aku adalah di sebelah family mak aku, merangkap selang satu kampung je daripada rumah aku sekarang ni. 2 hari sebelum raya adik-beradik mak aku dah penuh berkumpul kat umah atuk aku. Meriah jangan cakaplahkan, budak2 adelah ramai oke. Bayangkanlah sepupu aku mostly dah kahwin dan anak paling kurang ada 2. Paling ramai ada 4, dan ada lebih kurang 4 atau 5 biji kereta kat rumah atuk aku. Meriah tak meriah? Sampaikan ada je anak saudara (anak kepada sepupu adalah anak saudara kan?) yang aku belum pernah jumpa. Hehehe... Tiba-tiba je ada muka baru dalam family. Soalan macam, “Eh, ini anak siape ah?” adalah kerap terkeluar daripada mulut aku ni hah. Maklumlah, bukan tinggal dekat2 nak jumpa selalu.. Tau-tau je dah besar. Hehehehe.. Yang masih best raya tahun ni ialah aku masih dapat duit raya! Trend kat sini, selagi belum kerja akan dapat duit raya daripada makcik/pakcik/sepupu yg dah berkahwin.. Kalau dah kerja, memangla kena bagi duit raya kann.. Tapi kalau belum kahwin dan dah bekerja, anda cuma akan menerima duit raya daripada makcik/pakcik SAHAJA! Itu pun nasib baik kalau diorang nak bagi oke..

Raya kedua aku xde ke mana pun. Plus balik kampung family bapak aku kat Sungai Mati, Muar. Kat sana yang ada cuma adik-adik kepada bapak aku, means makcik-makcik aku la kan. Takdelah meriah sangat tapi yang best tu sebab ade mercun dan bunga api. Biasela, aku tumpang seronok je tengok adik2 aku main mende2 alah semua tu. Aku tak berapa minat sangat. Dah besar-besar ni rasa pelik plak bila nak pegang-pegang mercun dgn bunga api. Hehehe.. Raya ketiga baru aku keluar rumah. Itupun xde kemana sangat. Pergi rumah Yayah kat Parit Bakar, dengan rumah kawan adik aku kat Kg Parit Pinang Seribu. Memandangkan Yayah masuk kerja esoknya, aku offer die ikut aku beraya so nanti aku hantarla dia balik taman kitorang tinggal tu kan. Lepas keluar daripada rumah kawan adik aku tu lah tragedi sedih ini berlaku..

Aku plan nak balik awal since mak aku cakap dia nak pakai kereta. So bila aku tengok jam, baru pukul 2 petang, sempatlah aku nak hantar Yayah balik taman dan pastu straight balik Sg Mati. Plus petang ada date nak ke Melaka, jadi aku memang nak balik awal la. Keluar je daripada rumah kawan adik aku tu, aku dah rasa lain macam. Lepastu kereta macam tak nak pergi bila aku tekan minyak. Aku dah cuak dah. Adik aku dengan Yayah tak perasan apa-apa lagi masa tu. Bila tiba-tiba enjin mati, aku cepat-cepat pulas stereng ke tepi jalan. Aku cuba bawak bertenang walaupun adik aku kat sebelah dah panik. Yelah, kereta tak boleh start, siapa tak panik? Aku tarik nafas, baca macam-macam doa sebelum start enjin lagi sekali dan.....! Masih lagi tak boleh hidup. Tengah aku nak tutup mulut adik aku yang panik kat sebelah, ada sorang pakcik berhenti sebelah aku, “Kereta tak boleh start ye dik?” Aku sengih je. Dan bermulalah penantian seorang aku di tepi jalan dengan kereta yang rosak selama 4 jam!

H datang lepas dia balik pejabat. Dia datang bawak air yang aku rasa paling sedap aku pernah minum hari tu. (Padahal air tin je) Maunya tak, 4 jam berpanas kat tepi jalan dengan matahari mencanak-canak atas kepala, tekak kering toksah cerita la kan? Masa tu kereta belum siap lagi. Dia ketawa je dengar cerita aku.  “Itulah, jauh budak bertuah ni jalan,” Panggil aku budak bertuah?? Sabor jelah.. Kereta siap pukul 6 lebih. Aku hantar Yayah balik taman, pastu balik. Dahla jammed daripada Parit Bunga sampai Rawang, sudahnya sampai rumah pukul 7:40 malam. Mak aku siap tanye masa aku sampai umah, “Serik tak bawak kereta?” Aku sengih je. Hilang cerita pergi Melaka, so H ajak lepak Tanjung jelah.. Mana lagi nak pergi kan kat Muar tu? So, melepakla aku kat sane dengan adik aku skali. Kelakar betul aku rasa hari tu. Kereta rosak lah, jammed la, ape la. Haih, meriah sungguh raya tahun ni.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Seeing Old Buddy!

I was having a great day this weekend! A few days ago, an old friend of mine just texted me asked for Nani's phone number. So, we were having a little conversation and guess what? She's here working at Muar!! Since Kinkin already here, so I was, "Hey, why not we go to iftar together? It would be fun isn't?" And here we go!

So Kinkin and I decided to meet Bai at Teratak Restaurant at Jalan Abdullah around 6.50 pm. The sky looks like it's going to rain so we decided to go early and waited for Bai to arrive. She's arrived around 7 pm and we're so excited to see each other. It's almost 5 years we left school and after that we never have chances to see each other. It's only three of us at the table but we're talking like there's a group of people! I know I might be sound a little exaggerate but that was the truth! We were so busy talking and laughing until we forgot about 'berbuka' time. Hehehehe.. Can't help it though. So many things to talk and feels like there's not enough time for us! 

Typing no more, let's look at the picture we've taken last night.. 

This is where we hang out last nite..

Kinkin and Bai, looking hilarious there..

Me and Bai, accidentally wearing pink. Is it a curse? Hahahaha..

Ok, got my half face there. Sigh.



With Bai's pet.. :P


Shining bright aren't we? Hehehehe...

p/s : tomorrow, I'll be going back to Segamat and leaving Muar until Raya I guess. Since at my parent place don't have a good coverage for broadband, I might not be able to do some update. Sorry peeps! Can't help it though. So for now, Selamat Berpuasa and Selamat Hari Raya to all my friends and readers. *macamla ramai sangat yang bace blog kau ni maul* Hahaha... To someone special, don't miss me too much ya! Because I'm gonna miss you too.. *blush*

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sayonara Ogos!

Jumaat minggu lepas adalah hari terakhir aku praktikal. Sedihnya nak tinggalkan office tu. Yelah, walaupun aku hanya 3 bulan je kat sana tapi rasa macam sayang plak nak tinggalkan semua2 tu. Hehehe.. Diorang semua pun baik dengan aku, so rasa macam one big family la pulak kann.. 

So, sekarang adalah masa untuk aku sepatutnya siapkan report praktikal. Adehla, tibe-tibe macam tak tau plak nak tulis ape dalam tu. Sepatutnya dah submit last week, tapi disebabkan aku belum siap, plus tak sempat maka aku mintak tangguh untuk hantar minggu ini. Berusaha!

Starting September ni, aku dah pindah rumah baru. Dah tak tinggal kat Parit Tiram lagi dah. Sekarang rumah aku kat Jalan Joned. Tau tak kat mane? Haaa, carilah sendiri! Aku sendiri masa 1st time datang bawak motor, xnak macam sesat barat plak kan aku. Hahahaha.. Entah ceruk2 mane je aku masuk. Mujurla jumpa rumahnya. Ni esok2 mak aku nk datang mesti aku payah nk bagi direction. Sedangkan umah kat Parit Tiram tu pun berpusing2 abah dibuatnya, inikan pulak rumah yang baru ni. Entah mana agaknya tersesat. Hehehehe.. Takpe2, nanti aku buat peta jelah bagi kat bapak aku.. 

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thought That Count..

I'm very happy yesterday. Why? Because I've got something special from someone. It's a gift. A small gift maybe, but it means a lot to me. I don't really care what it is exactly in the box, it's the thought that count, right? Hehehehe.. Inside the box, there's a note. A note that I nearly missed it. My bad! This is what was written in the note. 

I promise you my heart,
I promise you my life,
I promise we'll never be apart,
I promise not to hurt you,
I promise to never make you cry, 
I promise to always trust you,
I promise not to lie,
I promise you forever,
I promise you tonight,
I promise you my respect,
I promise to do things right,
I promise to always be there,
I promise until the end,
I promise to be your best friend,
I promise this forever.
U're the PEANUT to my BUTTER,

U're the STAR of my BURST,
U're the POP of my TART,
U're the MILKY to my WAY,
U're the FRUIT to my LOOP,
U're the LUCKY to my CHARMS,
U're the ICE to my CREAM,
but mostly.....
U're the BEST to ME..

Isn't it sweet? I love it so much! H, thanks for the gifts, thanks for the poem, thanks for everything. You know I like it don't you?  

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hush Hush!!

Have you heard this new single of PCD? I just lurrvvveee this one.. It's just nice.. So, nothing much to say, enjoy it! 

p/s : I include this lyric for you all to sing along.. Hehehehe...

Hush Hush

I never needed you to be strong,
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs,
I never needed pain,
I never needed strain,
My love for you was strong enough you should have known,
I never needed you for judgments,
I never needed you to question what I spend,
I never asked for help,
I take care of myself,
I don't know why you think you've got a hold on me

And it's a little late for conversations,
There isn't anything for you to say,
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver,
So look at me, and listen to me..

I don't want to stay another minute,
I don't want you to say a single word,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
There is no other way, I get the final say,
I don't want to do this any longer,
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
I've already spoken, our love is broken,
Baby, hush, hush.

I never needed your corrections,
On everything, from how I act, to what I say,
I never needed words,
I never needed hurts,
I never needed you to be there every day,
I'm sorry for the way I let go,
Or everything I won't need when you came along,
But I am never beaten, broken, not defeated,
I know that next to you is not where I belong,

And it's a little late for explanations,
There isn't anything that you can do,
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver,
So you will listen when I say..

I don't want to stay another minute,
I don't want you to say a single word,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
There is no other way, I get the final say,
I don't want to do this any longer,
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
I've already spoken, our love is broken,
Baby, hush, hush.

No more words, no more lies, no more cryin',
Hmm Hmmmm
No more pain, no more hurt, no more tryin',
Ohh Ohh

I don't want to stay another minute,
I don't want you to say a single word,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
There is no other way, I get the final say,
I don't want to do this any longer,
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
I've already spoken, our love is broken,
Baby, hush, hush.

Yeahhhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
I've already spoken, our love is broken,