So, here goes a lil update for last-last-last time.
Shikin & Shahrir Wedding.
Congratulations to both of them, alhamdulillah telah selamat bergelar husband & wife on last 27th May 2012. Maafkan patik kerana tak dapat menghadiri majlis persandingan korang aritu. Dapat datang time nikah je. Untuk Shikin aka Kinkin; tahniah dan aku doakan kebahagian dan kesejahteraan rumah tangga sehingga akhir usia. P/s : Jangan lupa rm50 aku dgn CZ! :D

Aritu pergi tengok Snow White & Huntsman. Tetiba rasa macam dah lama tak tengok movie. Dulu rajin betul asal ada movie best jek, sibuk dah nak tengok. Sekarang? Huh, nak tengok Tv kat rumah pon kadang-kadang macam tak sempat. Now eagerly wait for the next GI JOE!
*Kredit : Google*
Still remember for the writing exam I sit last two month? Still no news yet. I don't really place a high hope but little did I wanted to hear a positive answer. Maybe I didn't try hard enough. Maybe it wasn't for me, yet. Life is kinda hard lately. I was praying and hoping that I can manage to go through all of this. It's almost impossible to tell what's going to happen for tomorrow, but I do prepared for the worst thing to happen. At least, this life isn't always good and fair right? Rainbow itself need to wait for the rain to stop before it can shine under the sun.
*Kredit : Google*
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