On Raya's Eve, I was sleeping over my Mak house. Since I can't celebrating the 1st Raya with my own mom, I decided to go to my other mom. Hahaha.. So I get to eat so called nasi impit, kuah kacang, and rendang! I'd managed to wear my baju raya for all day working, since it's Raya celebration. We're busy on that day because it was a public holiday, and school holiday also. And that night, I have another job waiting for me. Babysitting.
Yes, I become a nanny for 7, 5 & 3 years old kid. Since it was my 1st time ever, I was quite nervous and scared a bit. Buatnya anak orang tu guling-guling atas lantai melalak nak mak bapak dia, matila aku weh. To my surprise, they slept early. Very early indeed. I came to their room before 8pm, and the kids already on their bed. Ready to sleep. So as the parent went out, actually I was doing almost nothing. Nasib baik bawak buku untuk dibaca. Kot tak, silap-silap dengan aku sekali tido. Haha..mungkin budaya orang Inggeris tidurkan anak-anak diorang cepat kot. Ye, I jaga anak omputeh oke. Berabuk abes speaking dengan aku. Mujur telinga agak peka. Kot tak, malula nak cakap, "Pardon me, sir?"
After 11pm, I'd had dinner with my colleague at MCD. Jadah betul raya makan MCD. Dah, kedai mana ada bukak. Mamak pon raya kot. Kelakar betul. MCD tak nak macam full gila pulak tu. Adoi, abes dah lapar nak buat macamana? MCD pon MCD laaa... The next day, I'd attend the same guest for babysitting service. And their routine are same as the day before. Budak-budak tu memang tido awal. Lepas parent dia keluar, aku sambung baca buku semalam. Sesekali aku menjengahla diorang tido. Sama macam semalam. But then the parent came back earlier. 10:30 pm camtu dah balik. Sebelum balik tu sempat gak borak-borak dengan mak dia. Diorang friendly tau.
"Do they sleep?"
"Yes maam, they sleep well,"
"Oh, good then. But you know, Izzy told me yesterday she'd notice you come to the room few times,"
Izzy ialah anak perempuan dia yang sulung.
"Oh, really? I'm sorry maam, I don't know that she'd noticed me,"
"It's okay, she just said that hopefully you come only once tonight,"
pastu mak dia ketawa.
Seriously aku tak sangka budak tu perasan aku dok jengah diorang.
"Maam, actually I'd bring something for the kids. But since they sleep early, I don't have chance to play with them. Could you please give it to them? It's from me,"
Aku tunjukkan dia buku mewarna dengan buku cerita 'Little Red Riding Hood' kat mak dia. Aku memang beli untuk budak-budak tu. Mana tau nak isi masa lapang ke. Sekali diorang tido awal, aku bagi jelah. Bukan main suka lagi mak dia tu.
"Can you write something for the kids? I'm sure they will love it very much,"
To Izzy, Rosy & Freddie.
Hope to see you all again.
Have a nice vacation..
From : Nurrul.
By the way, siapa cakap orang putih sombong? Bukan semua orang oke. They are the good example. They don't mind me, a Muslim wearing tudung looks after their children. They even wish me for Hari Raya. Siap tanya diorang ni tak menganggu aku nak beraya ke apa.
Malam tu, aku balik rumah dan lapar. Tau aku makan apa? Scrambled egg & bread. Sodeh acik haa.. Raya ke2 makan roti jek. Pastu tepon mak aku tanya mak aku masak apa aritu. Pastu guling - guling atas lantai nak balik Segamat. Cis, dasar emo! Pastu tengok gambar family kat FB, touching lagi. Haih.
Dari kiri; Encek Juakhir, Puan Thalha, Kak Yah.
Duduk dari kiri; Kakak, Kak Chik.
Tiada dalam gambar; Aku, Angah.