
Saturday, August 30, 2014

All I Have To Give

Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give

I don't know what he does to make you cry
But I'll be there to make you smile
I don't have a fancy car
To get to you, I'd walk a thousand miles

I don't care if he buys you nice things
Does his gifts come from the heart?
I don't know, but if you were my girl
I'd make it so we'd never be apart

But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you
But love is all I have to give

When you talk, does it seem like he's not
Even listenin' to a word you say?
That's okay, baby, just tell me your problems
I'll try my best to kiss them all away

Does he leave when you need him the most?
Does his friends get all your time?
Baby please, I'm on my knees
Prayin' for the day that you'll be mine

Hey girl, I don't want you to cry no more inside, oh
All the money in the world could never add up to
All the love I have inside, I love you, baby
And I will give it to you

All I can give, all I can give
All everything I have is for you
You've got what I got, you you
What I need, my love is all I have to give
All that I have is for you

But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you
But love is all I have to give to you

I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
Give the world to you lady
But love is all I have to give

But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you
But love is all I have to give to you

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Facebook, anyone?

You would be an outdated human being in our universe without a Facebook account. Seriously, you don't have any? It's either you are a loner, or a loser, or both, maybe? Hahahaha. Bapak aku yang umur 52 y.o pun ada kot. Takkan la korang takde, ek? Blerggghh.

The question is, how much are you addicted to it? The Facebook I mean. 6 hours? 12 hours? 24/7? Wow. Seronoknya hidup tak payah buat apa - apa sepanjang hari tetapi ber 'Facebok' ing for the whole day? Oh. Bekerja. Is that okay online using company Internet line? I thought most of employer doesn't allowed their employee to use Facebook while working. Tapi sekarang zaman dah maju. Dengan data plan bernilai serendah RM2 sehari, you may go online for the whole day using your smartphone. Anywhere. Anyplace. Untungla si Mark Zukerberg. Beliau goyang kaki  saham juta - juta while we're working to our bones just to pay our own bills. Okay. Exaggerates here. 

Dan, aku tak faham kenapanya yang penting bebenor Facebook sampai lupa the real world. The real people. The real shit you had around you. Kata mak aku, taksub bebenor dengan FB. Padahal beribu - ribu friend kat Facebook tu, berapa kerat je yang personally in person you really know? Tak payah cakap orang lainla. Aku pun ada akaun Facebook. Tapi kebanyakan daripada mereka adalah kawan - kawan lama, ex-schoolmates, ex-classmates, ex-roommates, ex-boyfriend. Itu pun ada yang aku ingat - ingat lupa. Friend request pending pun banyak lagi tak approve. Sebab? Rasa macam kelakar lak nak approve jadi kawan, tapi sebenarnya apa pun tak tau pasal orang tu. Tu belum lagi cerita tak nak approve friend request kat Facebook pun jadi issue on your real life. Seriously guys? Get a life. 

Pantang pergi mana - mana, share location, update status. Tag people here and there. Baru - baru ni aku ada tengok iklan kat Tv. Tak sure which channel. Yang minta kita berwaspada menggunakan laman sosial. You never knew if someone was stalking you. Waiting for a chance. To rob, to kidnap, nauzubillah. Mintak dijauhkan kita semua dari perkara yang tidak -tidak. To prevent dear, we never knew what will happens next. 

Moral of the story? Go for real. I mean literally. REAL. Get real friends, get real life, stop stalking, meddling with real people around you will help you gain self-confidence. Get active guys. Stopla main game merepek kerepek kat Facebook tu. Dan stop hantar aku request game jugak. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Fast Update #1

Hai all. Its been wayyy too long not updating anything here. It's not like I had nothing to share, but so much to do yet so little time. Huuuuuuuu... By the way, Selamat Hari Raya for all who are celebrating it. Eh, raya lagi ke? *tengokkalendar. I'm not really celebrating Raya this year. Why? For some of the stupid reason, I had to work. Again. For three years in a row. But it's okay. I still went back to my hometown on 3rd Syawal which is good as well because all of my sisters also around. Nasibla kerja bahagian hospitality memang macam tu. Cuti raya punya pasal sanggup berbunuh. Hahahaha. Okay. It's a joke okay. Joke.

Sepanjang half year ni, so many things happen. I went for two (read : dua) interview in government section. And I had no good news eversince. Huuuuu. Dahla tak suka pergi interview. Boleh pergi 2nd interview tu aku tertinggal fail yang penuh dengan sijil bagai tu. Tau bila aku perasan? Sebab interview tu bulan puasa. So lepas sahur tu ingat nak lelap sekejap. Tengah layan mata, tiba - tiba macam terkena kejutan elektrik. Aku terus bangun bukak lampu selongkar beg. Tadaaaaa...! Nothing. Okay. Tau apa benda pertama dalam kepala aku masa tu? Tengok jam dah pukul 5:30 am. Kalau aku shoot balik PD, pegi balik dah 4 hrs. Sempat ke? Interview pukul 9:00 am kot. Haiyaaaaaa.. Last - last aku redha je. Lucky the interviewer didn't asked much about it. Sampai hari ni bapak aku tak tau aku tertinggal fail tu. Kalau dia tau, masak aku.

Haritu renew IC Grey. Hadehhh. Kopak kapik beta dikerjakan. Tapi demi kamu G. I'm willing to do anything. Nasib baikla yang kes kena cium dah settle. Dan aku ikut cakap bapak aku soh report polis. And now he's back in action! Yeayyy. *padahal dah lama kot settle.

Okay. Say no more but a goodnite. Doakan saya rajin menaip.